Monday, August 30, 2010

An August Update

Me, on Tank Hill; San Francisco, CA; August 2010

If you're a regular visitor to HH, you've noticed that no new content has been contributed in the last month. Even in the months before this current drought, my activity here had become sporadic and the essays or reviews generally shorter. It's easy to attribute this dearth of content to my preparations for the move from NYC to San Francisco and, now that I'm living on the west coast, to my attempts to locate myself in a new town and community.

Whatever the cause or causes, HH will continue to serve as a venue for my art-related announcements, as well as an archive of my past writing. Now and again, I also reread and tag older posts so that they are added to the "Post Archive By Subject" sidebar.

In the future, I may again supply regular content - in fact, I expect that I will - but, for now, I'm happy working in the studio, reading, exercising, earning my keep at a day job, discovering many exciting things about my new home, appreciating the ravens that frequent my neighborhood, and, above all, living again with Elizabeth.

A view of my Mission District studio; San Francisco, CA; August 2010

Photo credits: Hungry Hyaena, 2010